Bananas are cooling, they have a sweet flavor, they lubricate the lungs and intestines and treat constipation and ulcers. They are an ideal snack; tasty, healthy and filing.
- A medium banana contains over 400 mg. of potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral, a drop in potassium levels can make you weak and tired. low potassium is also responsible for muscle cramps.
- Potassium plays a very important roll on lowering blood pressure.
- Bananas contain the amino acid tryptophan which stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the body.They are an excellent source of vitaminB6. A medium banana provides almost half of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).
- They have 2 to 4 grams of dietary fiber.
- One banana has about 100 calories, mostly in the form of fruit sugar and starch. A ripe banana contains the equivalent of 5 tsp of sugar.
- For a dry cough eat bananas that had been sliced and cooked into a thick soup.
- Bananas detoxify the body. Good after a hangover.
- There have been some studies that found out that eating bananas may lower the chances of developing kidney cancer.
- Bananas contain fructoogliosaccarides which are food for the good bacteria that lives in the digestive track.
- Remember that the inner peel is rich in nutrients. Eat it or scrape it and add it to your favorite fruit juices.
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